January 29, 2011

Customer Relationships: Give One Away Free

customer relationships, customer relationship management, customer service


In today's modern society, we are all hell bent in getting as much as we can, in the limited time available to us. So why bother giving things away to your customers?

What can you give your customer today, that will make you and the person you give it to, feel great? And you can give lots of them to lots of customers, and it doesn't cost you a cent.

Well many people are altruistic, like Bill Gates, who has pledged $20bn to charity - but he can afford it! So can you give things away right now - yes you can, because it's free.

Click here to learn more about Customer Relationships in Ireland.

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year – Globally!

The festivities are happily over and if they were successful enough in this consumeristic way of life, we all are well relaxed, and completely fed up […]
November 23, 2010

Interviewed for TV and Radio?

Yes, exciting things sometimes do happen, and if you run your company successfully, a reporter might give you a call one day and invite you to […]