Create a social network to make your business grow!

Create a social network to make your business grow!
Tourists in Ireland and the Web
April 19, 2008
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Create a social network to make your business grow!
Tourists in Ireland and the Web
April 19, 2008
Change your mind and be different: Stop Selling!
May 6, 2008
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Create a social network to make your business grow!

Create a social network to make your business grow!

Say you are a small entrepreneur.

Say you have just started your own business.

So, what’s your first thought?

Increase the number of your customers? Widen the range of your business? Extend it further than your circle of friends? Make your name professionally?

There’s a very simple practice that could help you to achieve all these aims at once.

Word-of-Mouth Referrals.

The reason why this particular strategy of extending clients is so effective is the trustworthiness of the source it comes from.

Most of the people are skeptical towards all forms of advertising. They just don’t trust a message that is conveyed solely on payment of money.

But if a friend, a member of our family or, broadly speaking, a person in which we trust recommends us a certain service or product, we immediately think that he or she must speak the truth because there is no clash of interests.

That’s why a broad network of satisfied customers that speak positive about your services is a foolproof way of increasing your sales.

So now you are probably asking yourself: “How could all my testimonials reach my potential customers?”.There are many different possible ways to achieve it.

You could use the Make-a-Buck technique, that consists in asking your satisfied customers if they would like to share their list of friends with you and allow you to send a personalised endorsement letter from them to their list of friends.

Or you could fully exploit those valuable testimonials through the X- Box method, that lies in approaching a company which serves your target group and asking them to give their customers an enrolment ticket with a special code number so they can go to your web site and sign up to win some of your products. That will also help you build relationship with your business partner as it helps them fasten the relationship with their customers.

These are only a few examples.Indeed 3R Sales & Marketing, the business consultant that helps you grow, developed a set of marketing techniques (more than 200!!!) aimed to increase your referrals and expand your network through the use of the generation program called ADSPORT.

If you want to know more about it contact us now or subscribe to success our free monthly Information Bulletin with sales and marketing articles.

The word (of mouth) is mightier than the sword.

3R Sales & Marketing can teach you how to use it.

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