How Can You Write a Press Release That Will Break the News

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How Can You Write a Press Release That Will Break the News

There are tons of news every day, reaching us from papers, radio, TV and whatever else. However, sometimes your own company becomes a part of this news world, and you will probably want to make it look as good as possible.

A press release is basically an article informing the public about particular events. These should be based on running open days, introducing special offers or new services, and most importantly offering these to new customers.

To get the maximum impact, you should aim for publishing one press release at least every two months. So how to do it?

Free press or print advertising is where you have been contacted by a paper or magazine to either give a comment on your, seek your advice or simply report on you and your business.  These are known as editorials or press releases and can be created by yourself or the media.  If you have something that you feel is of public interest, you might submit a written piece to the paper in which they could possibly use your story and print without any cost to you.

It may also be a possibility that you get to advertise for free in the print media.  For instance your local magazine or newsletter may offer you a position to put in an ad for your business at no charge.

Then you can always send the printed articles as mailers to your prospects – and link them on your website.

Always remember – focus on the media which are read by customers, and then make sure you align your website content with the press release.

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