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What SEO Packages for Small Business in Dublin Are There?

What SEO Packages for Small Business in Dublin Are There

Search engine visibility should be a priority for small or local businesses. Appearing on search results greatly helps in creating brand awareness and increasing clients. When done right, it can significantly contribute to the growth of the company’s revenue.

Despite the benefits of being visible on search engine results pages (SERPs), many small or local businesses owners opt not to invest in optimising their websites. One of the reasons for this is the notion that getting professional SEO services can be expensive.

Admittedly, hiring professionals to create and implement SEO campaigns is not cheap. But it is also not overly expensive as what a lot of people think. The truth is that many trusted SEO companies offer reasonably-priced SEO packages for small businesses.

The Different SEO Packages for Small Businesses in Dublin

Each SEO services provider has different sets of plans for SMEs. They vary in terms of inclusions and duration (monthly, quarterly or yearly). Of course, these packages are offered at different prices with the cheapest package costing around €200 per month.

Below are some examples of SEO packages typically offered by service providers in Ireland:

SEO Consultation

This package is the so-called ‘getting to know you’ stage. The SEO specialist gathers information about your business – what it’s about, the customers, the competitors and your goals. She also does an initial assessment of your website to have an idea of its SEO health.

Here’s the thing:

A number of trusted SEO companies in Dublin like 3r offer this package for free and with no strings attached. All you need is to talk to the SEO provider’s representative and wait for their report or feedback. Then, you decide if the company is the right one to handle your SME’s SEO plan.

SEO Setup

This package is specifically for websites that are not optimised yet. It includes keywords research, SEO titles set up, content review, link building and technical SEO. The goal here is to ensure that your pages meet the requirements of search engines for them to appear and rank high on SERPs.

The duration of this process varies per website. Basically, the more pages and issues your site has, the longer it would take for the SEO specialist to complete the work. But when everything is done, you can expect a tracking and final report.

SEO Monthly

This package is all about continuous SEO work – maintaining and improving your website to get more visits and sales every month.

An SEO Monthly package includes implementing your SEO strategy as well as assessing its effectiveness and tweaking it if necessary. It also involves fixing technical issues and optimising new pages on your website. In addition, a report is provided at the end of each month to inform you about the work that the SEO specialist is doing.

SEO Packages for Small Businesses: Choosing the Right One for Your SME

The right package for your business is naturally the one that meets your needs and budget. So, you have to know your site’s SEO health and your goals to determine what package you should get. Of course, you should also know how much you are willing to spend.

The initial consultation should give you an idea of what needs to be done on your site for it to rank high on SERPs. Just make sure that you talk to an experienced SEO specialist, so you can be certain that the information you are given is correct.

Can’t find any plan that exactly matches what you need? Don’t fret as some reputable companies offer fully customisable SEO packages. Just ask your chosen service provider if this is something that they offer.

In conclusion, landing on the first page of search results does not happen overnight. It is going to take months before you see an improvement in your rankings. For this to happen, SEO-related work on your website cannot stop. In fact, even if you are number 1 on page 1 of the SERPs, you still have to continue your SEO plan or strategy.

What we are trying to say is that you have to be patient when you get SEO services. You cannot work on it for a month, then stop everything just because your rankings have not changed.

Ultimately, whatever SEO package you choose is a good investment towards your company’s future as it is going to contribute to your search engine visibility. Just make sure though that you are working with a legitimate SEO company – one that has successfully helped SMEs – to get your money’s worth.

Looking for SEO packages for small businesses? We offer several fully customisable SEO packages for Irish SMEs. We also provide free SEO consultation! Call us now on +353 (0) 89 466 2000 or +353 (0) 1 960 9023 or visit our website to learn more about our packages.

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