When Marketing Serves Customers…
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When Marketing Serves Customers…
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How to Use Pick the Right Google Ads Budget

Once you’ve setup your keywords and your first ad in Ads, next step is to decide on your daily budget. Choose the budget which fits to your resources.

Place your bid as well. Your bid price is your maximum bid price, which means you will not necessarily pay that all the time. You will only pay 1 cent more that the competitor under you.

Google will suggest a bid amount; however, it is not compulsory to follow their suggestion. Just place the bid that you can afford to pay per click and which will get your ad listed within the first four positions in Sponsored search results. To find the most relevant bid, use the traffic estimator by clicking “Estimate Search Traffic” – it will give you some idea on the amount of clicks you can expect per day, the position of your ads among the others and how much you will be spending.

I would suggest you place higher bids when setting up your Google Ads account. That will help you generate traffic on your website rapidly and therefore to figure out which ads work well and which ones don’t.

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