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How to Create an Effective Website

In today’s business landscape, having an effective website is essential for companies of all sizes and industries. It is the key to reaching more customers and increasing profits. It also plays an integral role in giving a company a strong online presence, keeping it significant and competitive.

So, whether you own a startup with 10 employees or a seasoned company employing thousands, make it your priority to create an effective website.

What Does It Take to Create an Effective Website?

Truth be told, developing an excellent website is not an easy task. Even with the numerous guides and tools available online, this endeavour can be challenging and confusing. It can also be tiring, considering the time and effort you need to invest on this project. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, work does not stop once you’ve set up your site. You need to continuously work on it to ensure that it stays interesting and relevant.

Suffice it to say, on top of the technical know-how, dedication and perseverance are necessary when creating an effective website. Hence, unless you are willing to learn and devote your time to this endeavour, it is best for you to tap the services of professionals. Just ensure that you choose a website design company known for creating websites that sell. Read client reviews and testimonials to get an idea which among your prospects are highly recommended.

How Do You Create an Effective Website?

An effective website is professionally designed with a seamless and easily navigable layout that enables customers to locate what they need without delay. It also loads at an optimal speed – ideally within three seconds. Online users can be very impatient; they abandon sites with very slow loading time. When this happens, you do not just lose visitors but also the opportunity to make a good impression and earn more. Lastly, an effective website has a compelling content – one that captures the interest of visitors and convinces them to take a positive action.

While most website owners easily come up with a well-designed and fast-loading website, a number of them fail at creating an exceptional content. Do not commit the same mistake! Keep in mind, when properly crafted, your content is what’s going to turn visitors into customers and customers into brand ambassadors who’d tell others that your website is worth visiting.

How do you build strong content? When crafting a marketing message for your website, one of the things you should never forget is to focus on your visitors. They are the main characters in the story and not your company. Below is a format which you can follow to develop content which resonates with your visitors.

  1. Why? – Why should I care? What benefits will I (as a customer) get?
  1. What? – What is this all about? Tell me about your products/services.
  1. How? – How will I get the benefits? How does it work?
  1. What if? – What if I follow? What if I don’t follow? – these are case studies, customer testimonials or examples of failure if people did not choose the right solution.

Following this, #1 should be all about benefits and not that much about “who you are”. Companies often think they need to say that they’re in the business for 100 years and that they are “experts”, but all customers care about are “benefits” – i.e., “What is in it for ME?” – and if you can offer good product/service for a good price they will choose you. Simply put, for your website to be effective, its content should speak to your visitors’ needs. Moreover, the message should be crystal clear, interesting and compelling for them to stay on your site and make a purchase.

Want to know more about how to create an effective website? Call us at 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023 today!

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