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How To Boost Your Local Rankings In Ireland

local seo in ireland

Building your website and getting traffic consistently can be very tough. There are countless companies in Ireland trying to rank for different keywords. Without a plan of action, you could be missing out some serious profits. It’s vital that you use the right techniques to build your website to get it ranking high on Google’s competitive keywords for your business. Try these tips to help you get a step closer to ranking higher in Google’s SERPS.

So How To Boost Your Local Rankings In Ireland?

– Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great first step to building your SEO rankings. Some article directories makes it easy to submit 500 word articles on the topic revolving around your business, and you have the chance to list your website’s URL. This anchored link is going to be a link-back to your website and will be great for getting a link to your site. It is through article marketing where you’ll gain plenty of additional visitors from the articles themselves.

– Blog Commenting

You can visit some of the top blogs in your niche and leave comments that eventually lead to your website URL. This gets traffic and can help dramatically to helping improve your SEO rankings. Using powerful anchor text links in the comments can help with getting some extra link juice. Look for a few websites that are revolved around your niches and then start commenting. Although most blogs now nofollow the links in comments but it still counts since when readers visit your website and it becomes popular in your niche, people might then start referring to it in their online articles and you get some new links naturally.

– Guest Blog Posting

Guest blog posting is one of the best ways to get an insane amount of traffic fast. Guest blogging involves creating a post for another blog to use on their website with all the credit going to you and a link to your website at the bottom of the article. Guest posting is a powerful way to gain credibility and also reach more viewers since other blogs will have a good amount of users consistently.

NB: However, all these methods can be, and indeed they are being, misused. That’s why Google is now very suspicious about massive blog commenting, article submissions or even guest blogging. You always need to follow their Guidelines and best practices – eg the anchor text you use in the links should look “natural” so do not cram in all your keywords – and there should be a certain portion of links with your company name or website’s URL or keywords like “click here” in your overall link portfolio.

If you are looking for some more link building techniques specific for Ireland, please click here.

Working With An SEO Team

It pays off to have a team like ours helping out. We have a top notch SEO marketing team that can help you get your website ranking for some of the toughest keywords in Ireland. With all your competitors creating Internet marketing campaigns, you need to get a step ahead of everybody, and our team can help accomplish just that. We can do market research, keyword research, and utilize the best off-page and on-page SEO techniques to building your site’s credibility. We use only the most cutting edge tactics in the industry to help get your site ranking high using legitimate marketing techniques. There is a specific technique used for local rankings in comparison to ranking for ordinary key phrases, and we know all about the best way to get up there.

Boosting your local rankings is much easier with our team. Give us a call today on 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023, and you’ll get only the most proficient SEO marketing experts working on your website. You’ll soon enough see your site ranking for all the key phrases that your potential customers are using to find companies like yours.

Feel free to call us anytime on 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023 or click here to ask for a quick web check.



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