Google Ads – what you need to know before you start

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Google Ads – what you need to know before you start

3R SEO Dublin Banner

Many customers today will use the Internet at least in part to research companies, products and services before making a buying decision. Therefore, if you are looking for a better way to reach out to an online target audience without paying a fortune in online advertising fees, you are not alone. Google is by far the top search engine in the world, and you may specifically be looking for a way to take advantage of what Google has to offer to reach your target audience online. One great idea to consider is Google AdWords, and we are the online marketing firm that can help you to put AdWords to the most effective use possible. There are a few points to consider before you begin an AdWords campaign.

Create an Eye-Catching Ad
With a Google AdWords campaign, you will be able to design your ad so that it looks exactly as you desire. The ad will appear as a “Sponsored” ad in search engine rankings, and you will get exposure regardless of whether others click on the link or link. The cost of having the ad is only in place when customers click on the link, and this is because you have a “cost per click” rate that you have bid for. The higher the cost per bid, the more likely your add will be to have a top ranking. However, keep in mind that there are different bid prices for different keywords.

Choose Your Keywords Carefully
With this in mind, it is important to choose your keywords carefully. For example, if you are a local business, choosing keywords with a geo-based term in them is helpful. Keep in mind that you can choose the main name of a major metropolitan area as well as lesser-used terms, such as those of surrounding suburbs and neighborhoods. The lesser-used terms may be far more affordable for you to target through an AdWords campaign.

Analyze the Results
After you have run your AdWords campaign for a reasonable period of time, you may consider analyzing the results and fine tuning your efforts from time to time. For example, you may have found that you have to pay a small fortune for popular keywords, but you still may not have the top ranking for those words even when paying more. You may also find that you get better results using suburbs as geo terms in your AdWords, for example. When you analyze the results, you can more effectively create a revised campaign that is truly cost-effective and that produces great results for you.

Google AdWords is a wonderful online marketing option to consider, and many people love the control that they have over the cost of their marketing as well as how they will reach their target audience. This is an option that utilizes SEO, and you can use what you learn about SEO keywords and terms through the AdWords in your other SEO marketing efforts. Contact us now  on 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023 for more information about Google AdWords and your SEO campaign.

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