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A Few Examples of Websites Optimised for SEO in Ireland

A Few Examples of Websites Optimised for SEO in Ireland

SEM industry; SEO company; Internet Marketing Professional; Search SEO Company

If you wonder what magical formula nets one Website a better response than another of similar design, look no further than the site’s SEO. What sets a site apart goes on behind the scenes and on the visible page. It’s subtle, but easy recognised when you see it. The sites,, and feature SEO techniques that capitalise on local SEO, a concept that Google focuses on a growing amount.

To learn more about Websites Optimised for SEO in Ireland please call us now on 019609023.

Location, location, location.

For a business, online as in the real world, it’s all about location. Include your location – in this case, Dublin and Ireland – in each page title and in the page’s body. In the footer of each page, include your business name, full address and telephone number. Google elevated these items in its SEO formula. It links your data with the users location to serve them local results first, especially on mobile devices. So, the phrase “SEO Consultants in Dublin & Ireland: Pay Less for more leads & better rankings!” on actually draws Google to the site and bumps it up in local results, whether the user’s location is Dublin or Ireland.

Keywords in the Right Places

You don’t just need keywords in your meta areas and in your text body. You need them spaced artfully throughout each page, including the headings. You need your most important two or three keywords in each page title with the location. The home page of provides a great example of these items. Its page title, “Photocopiers Dublin – Canon Printers – Olivetti Photocopiers – Office Technology Dublin Ireland,” uses its two most often searched keywords, “photocopiers” and “printers,” plus the two brands its customers most often search for – “Canon” and “Olivetti.” It also uses its location using city and country.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Keywords

Remember to put your site’s photos to work for you, too. If you click on a yummy fruit photo on, you’ll find two important options: shopping cart and link. Every photo links to a page on that fruit basket. Every page URL for a basket includes its keywords, for instance, “45 pieces of fruit.” While many sites use a numbering or lettering convention, using the URL as a keyword doubles your SEO payoff.

Each Page Gets a Custom Title

Every package’s page on uses the same keyword technique as and For instance, the page for a basket of 88 fruits uses the title, “88 Pieces of Fruit – Fruit Delivery Dublin – Fresh ‘N’ Fruity.” Google counts each page separately. Each of the different page titles helps the user recognize which result they need with its specificity. The repetition of keywords throughout the site’s differing titles increases its Google SEO rank.

It’s easy to optimise your site for SEO in Ireland. Look at the above sites to see how to integrate the right keywords and location into your site. If you’d like help growing your site visitors and increasing your Google rank, contact 3R.

To learn more about Websites Optimised for SEO in Ireland please call us now on 019609023.

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