During an economic downturn, while people really want more business, they can also be far more cautious. So what can you see yourself doing today, using the very best techniques that cost you nothing, to survive and even prosper?

If you don’t have the time to spend 3 minutes reading this, you might find that your prospects or customers feel the same way about you!

Relationships Reap Results

Would you believe that you are probably about seven contacts away from Bill Gates?

Picture this: you pay several thousands per a single ad in a national newspaper or a magazine. Sometimes all what you get are a few phone calls asking about any job vacancies in your company. By contrast, networking does not necessarily have to cost you money. More likely, it will make use of your time, creativity and energy.

So how can you maximise the effectiveness of your referral strategy so that you win more business? There are actually seven “bees” to help you:

1. Be curious. You enter a room full of “men and women in black”, drinking coffee. You approach them, not because you want to tell them about your excellent business but purely because you are truly interested in THEM and in what THEY do.

2. Be open. If you ask, and then expect an honest and open reply, offer the same when they ask you – do not hide anything, be approachable and happy to share your knowledge.

3. Be helpful. When you learn about what they do, find a link between you and them, and if they mention any issue they are facing, do everything in your power to help them. If they are looking for a solicitor and you know one, tell them immediately. If they need some marketing advice and you are in marketing, offer them a free consultation.

4. Be tolerant. Sometimes they are not in the mood. Sometimes, they are simply tired or a little bit shy. Do not condemn them ; instead, find out what is going on and try to help them.

5. Be reliable. When you offer help, even just a follow-on phone call or an email, make sure that you really do it. Keep your word, whatever happens. People then will rely on you and they will be able to refer their friends and partners to you.

6. Be specific. If asking for referrals directly, be specific. Nothing like “do you know anybody…?” works. You need to ask for a company, ask for a person in the company, ask for a name.

7. Be yourself. With affectation you get nowhere. You want to be coherent so that people will feel well when talking to you. Your gestures, your words and your ideas must be one. So find out who you really are, what you do, how you help people and speak about your true yourself.

Ever heard of the BNI? Givers Gain.

When speaking about referrals and networking, we cannot miss Business Networking International (BNI). What hides behind this name is nothing less than the most successful organisation that discovered the secret to successful referral strategy: “Givers Gain”.

This it the “good news” of networking – you do not have to be pushy, you do not have to sell yourself, you do not have to be hated. The exact opposite is true – when you help people, either by giving them “hot” referrals or by delivering good quality service to their friends or to themselves, people will love you and they will find ways to give back what they got from you. The key to success here is: you give first.

How marketing companies respond

When you go to a marketing consultant, they create the whole marketing strategy for you. But do they actually look at your referral strategy and do you know exactly how to build your network so that you get more business at the end of the day?

Start Today

How can you master all techniques of successful networking? Well, you cannot wait till you become an expert. At networking, you actually become an expert purely “by doing” – and, quite often, by making mistakes and correcting errors, you polish your skills so that as time passes, you build your network and become a respected networker. Fingers crossed!

Finally, if you would like to learn more and discuss your own particular situation, whatever business you are in, give us a shout on phone-number or register for a free business health check – maybe we can help you.

This article was written by Peter Lawless and Simona Rusnakova of 3R Sales and Marketing. As a proud member of the Trinity Chapter of BNI, 3R Sales and Marketing promote values of building relationships in business. For any comments, you can email consultant@3r.ie.