Go Green!
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November 9, 2007
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December 3, 2007
Go Green!
Boost Your Sales Now!
November 9, 2007
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December 3, 2007
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Go Green!

Go GreenGo Green!Who has never heard about «environmentally friendly choices»? 

In our everyday life, it is translated by the use of natural energy or by watching our water or heating consumption, by doing the waste separation for recycling purpose, etc. Everywhere around us, we all are asked to be good “green citizens”. This matter of environmental awareness has become a complete part of our daily life in the society.

People, more and more, tend to be this green citizen, and the way for them to be green, is to eat green, to drink green, to use green, to consume green.

That is what more and more companies do and understand. And to answer to this demand, they realize the importance to sell green. They want to show not only to their customers, but it is also a matter of image facing the mass market, that they wish to convey an environmentally responsible approach.

You can work on your image entering directly your customer’s or potential customer’s house. How? Advertise through a direct mail campaign! Why not print your entire mailer on recycled paper?!

Once in recipient’s hands, he will feel immediately that the paper isn’t the same. It will increase his curiosity and bring him to read the content, while maybe other ads go directly to the paper bin! The effect can demonstrate that you are not wasting your budgets on sensational and beautiful advertising – instead it is investing in helping needy causes.

One of the negative aspects is that recycled paper has a detrimental effect on print quality, so pick a clear typography and letters big enough to be easy to read. Moreover, don’t forget to indicate on your ad that the paper you use for this mailing is recycled paper, and explain briefly in one sentence that you care about the environment: “Because at XYZ, we care about our children future”, or “The environment is a matter for all of us”. Increase your image by being part of that clean community.

The downside? To be environmentally friendly has a price. Ironically, recycled paper has been known to be more expensive to buy than the ordinary paper! To build the image of being an environment responsible is a real environmentally-friendly choice…

Francoise Chu – Marketing Intern – 3R Sales & Marketing

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