Pop-Under Ads – Are They Good for Your Business?

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Pop-Under Ads – Are They Good for Your Business?

Pop-Under Ads – Are They Good for Your Business?

While traditional media like television and print remain to be powerful advertising tools, the Internet is slowly proving to be the future of advertising. With the continued exponential growth of Internet users, countless companies, from conglomerates to SMEs, are already allotting a considerable portion of their budget on Internet marketing.

In Ireland, digital ad spend posted a 29% growth in 2015. Reports also showed that, on the same year, almost half of the digital spend in Ireland went to mobile advertising. This trend isn’t true for Ireland alone but also around the world. The forecast is that, by 2021, global digital ad sales is going to comprise 50% of the market. All these may be attributed to the fact that more and more people are using the Internet, and this upward trend isn’t going to change any time soon.

Suffice it to say, with the aforementioned information, digital advertising is something you should explore for your business. Also, to ensure that this venture turns out to be profitable for you, work with a reputable marketing company that is experienced in online advertising.

Just like in traditional media, online advertising have different forms and types of ads. One example of an online ad is a pop-under.

What Are Pop-Under Ads?

A pop-under, also called pop-under ad, is a type of pop ad that’s very similar to a pop-up ad. As their names suggest, these types of ad pop on your screen, appearing on a new browser window. While pop-ups open in front of the window you’re currently viewing, pop-unders open behind or under your active window. Hence, pop-under ads are deemed less intrusive than pop-ups.

However, while it’s less distracting than its predecessor, this type of ad still didn’t get a positive reception from online users. Fact is, these ads, including the websites using them, were dubbed as sneaky, since detecting the ad is only possible once the active window or app is closed. Moreover, identifying which website/s the ad came from is difficult to do. Hence, for many online users, pop-unders are as annoying as pop-ups. Most importantly, they tarnish the reputation of companies or websites that use them just as much as pop-ups do.

The negative reception towards this type of ad and its damaging effects on a company’s reputation are just some of the reasons why pop-unders are currently not as popular as before. The fear that having pop-unders may affect SEO rankings is another reason why website owners avoid them. Although there’s still no concrete proof to support this belief, many experts think that pop-unders somehow have an effect on SEO rankings. Further fuelling this speculation is the fact that, early this year, Google started penalising mobile sites which are incessantly using pop-ups. The Search Engine giant cautioned site owners that using pop-ups can affect their ranking on the search engine results page.

Still, there are still those who use pop-unders despite the known repercussions of doing so. One reason for this is that, regardless of the prevailing perception about this type of ad, it still works. Some people respond to it – they see it, they click it. So, while it may hurt their reputation, some website owners are willing to make that sacrifice to get conversions.

Should you do the same thing? From a reputable internet marketing company’s standpoint, online reputation is vital in improving your website’s traffic. Higher traffic means more potential customers and higher chances of converting. So, while pop-unders may result in conversions, it may hurt your company in the long run. Hence, it’s more logical for you to invest on other forms of online marketing campaigns.

To learn more about online advertising or Internet marketing, call us today at 019609023!

Image Attribution: Photograph by Pascale PirateChickan, [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
Image Resource: https://www.flickr.com/photos/piratechickan/2965571299

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