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How to Improve Your SEO to Get More Website Visitors

How to Improve Your SEO to Get More Website Visitors 3

Why improve your SEO? The short answer is, “because everyone else is doing it.” When you sit down and think about how much time you spend searching for something on Google, it becomes clear that not having an SEO strategy in place means missing out on a huge number of potential customers.

According to a report by Hubspot, Google gets around 5.6 billion searches per day! Furthermore, an average person makes about 3 to 4 searches per day. So, just imagine the opportunities you are missing if your products or services are not appearing on search engine results pages (SERPs)!

To add, consumers who find your site when researching online are much more likely to convert than those who find you through other channels — as long as your content is relevant and informative enough to answer their questions. Hence, failing to appear on the first page on SERPs can mean losing potential revenues.

Clearly, if you want more people coming through your door, you need them to easily find you on Google and other search engines. This is where SEO comes in: it helps ensure that when someone searches up keywords related to your business or service, they’ll see your website at the top of their results page.

So, if you haven’t done much with SEO yet, this is the perfect time to start increasing your optimisation efforts and improve your strategy!

Below are some of our tips on how you can improve your SEO to increase website visitors and your revenue:

Pinpoint Your Mistakes to Improve Your SEO

The first step to improving your SEO is to identify what you’ve done wrong, so you can correct them or make the necessary adjustments.

Here are some common mistakes that can hurt your ranking and make it more difficult for new users to find you:

  1. Your site takes too long to load. If your site takes longer than three seconds to load, visitors are likely to bounce before they even get a chance to see what you have to offer.
  2. Your site isn’t mobile-friendly. These days, most people use their phones or tablets rather than their laptops or desktops when browsing the web. If your site doesn’t work well on mobile devices, users will be frustrated and won’t want to return.
  3. You don’t have enough backlinks. Backlinks are links from other sites that point back to yours—the more high-quality backlinks you have; the higher your ranking will be in search engines like Google and Bing.

How to Improve Your SEO to Get More Website Visitors

Invest in Great Content

Investing in high-quality content is a great way to improve your site’s ranking on search engine results pages. The higher your website appears on SERPs; the more likely people will click on it.

A blog post with interesting content keeps visitors on a webpage — instead of quickly clicking away — which tells search engines that your page is valuable. The longer people spend time on your page, the more valuable it will appear to search engines, which can help you rank higher.

Moreover, keep in mind that Google, the world’s top search engine, is looking for the best answers to people’s questions. It doesn’t want to waste its users’ time with content that isn’t useful. If you’re posting an article about something that no one cares about or if your SEO strategy involves stuffing your pages with keywords until they’re unreadable, you’ll get dinged by search engines pretty hard.

Even though content marketing can take time before you start seeing results, it’s worth the investment since it can provide long-term benefits for both customers and businesses. Quality content makes customers trust companies and brands more.

Use Your Metadata Wisely

Metadata is the information in the header of your HTML that describes your page to search engines. One of the most important meta tags is title, which you can consider as a page’s headline. The description tag is another crucial piece of metadata on your site — it’s a 150-character snippet that summarises a page’s content.

Title and description tags are powerful tools for improving click-through rate (the number of people who click on your result in search), so be sure to write them with care. Include relevant keywords, but don’t overdo it: stuffing every keyword you can think of into titles and descriptions can make Google think you’re trying to game their algorithms, which will likely hurt your placement in search results rather than improve them.

Also, keep titles and descriptions unique whenever possible; if multiple pages have identical title or description tags, the user experience may suffer because they won’t know which result to click on (and Google may penalise you).

Do More Keyword Research

Knowing how your audience searches for content will help you determine what keywords to target.

To get a feel for the language your audience uses in their search queries, look at these sources:

  • Google Search Console. You can find this tool in your WordPress dashboard or by logging into Google Search Console. This free tool gives you insights into organic search terms that are sending visitors to your site. These terms will give you an idea of the keywords you might want to use in your SEO strategy later.
  • Google Keyword Planner is another free keyword research tool by Google. This comprehensive keyword research tool can help you discover hundreds of new long-tail keywords related to any topic.

How to Improve Your SEO to Get More Website Visitors 4

Get More Backlinks to Your Site

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They come in several varieties: some will help your SEO more than others. Search engines give the most value to backlinks from authoritative and relevant sites.

One strategy you can employ is to leverage your connections. To be more specific, if you do business with companies that are complementary to yours online or have friends and family who are business owners themselves, don’t be afraid to ask for links from them as well. Not only does this help you build brand recognition, but it can also provide credibility to your search engine ranking efforts.

Finally, create content that other people want to link to and share. When someone shares something they’ve found on your website, they are pretty much giving you a backlink right there!

Use Images to Your Advantage

Images are an essential part of your website. Images help break up long chunks of text and show off your products, services, processes and team members. You can also use images to show how to use a product or service or where your products can be used.

If you have any photos from company events, you should add those as well! They will make your site look more relatable and give it more personality. You can even turn a series of images into a story that helps portray your brand’s image and values.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

When you make your website mobile-friendly, both Google and your users will thank you. Your users will be pleased because they can access it from their phones and tablets, and Google will reward you with a higher ranking in search results.

How do I know if my website is mobile-friendly?

You can check whether your website meets Google’s criteria for being mobile-friendly using this tool:

Why should I make my site mobile-friendly?

Google ranks websites optimised for mobile devices higher in its search results than websites that aren’t.

Mobile traffic now accounts for 60% of traffic on the web – and it’s only going up! Now is the time to optimise your website to be viewed on mobiles or risk losing visitors to a competitor with a better-optimised site.

How to Improve Your SEO to Get More Website Visitors

Improve Your Website Speed

If you want to increase your website’s traffic, you should focus on improving your speed. Slow websites lose visitors. Plus, they don’t rank as well in search engines. So, focus on reducing the time it takes to load every page.

One way to improve your website’s speed is by reducing the file sizes of images. If you have an image-heavy site, this can be very important. Large files take longer to load, which means visitors will have to wait a while before they can see your content. It also means that a larger amount of data has to be sent from your server to the user’s computer, which will cost more if you’re using a shared web hosting service.

Remember, the faster your website, the better experience you give your customers. Customers will be less frustrated and more likely to purchase from you.

Hire an Expert to Improve Your SEO Rankings

Ensuring that you rank high on search engines (and maintain your position) is a full-time job. Plus, it is a task that demands knowledge, skills and tools. Without these three things, you are more likely to commit costly mistakes.

If you want to be sure your SEO is on the right track, hire someone with a proven track record of success. Hiring an expert can save you time and money in the long run.

It’s important to choose an SEO company that is familiar with your business. They should have experience working with companies just like yours.

Ask for references from previous clients and contact them to learn if they were satisfied with the consultant’s work. Alternatively, you can search online for reviews or testimonials from previous clients.

SEO can be a tricky road to navigate. Still, it is possible to rank higher, deserve more of your target market’s business and optimise the flow of traffic to your site to convert visitors into customers. Just follow our tips above, or better yet, ask professionals to handle your SEO efforts to ensure you get the results you want.

Do you want to improve your SEO strategy? We have experienced SEO specialists who can help you get more visitors and increase your revenue! Call us today at +353 (0) 89 466 2000 or +353 (0) 1 960 9023 or click here to schedule a free consultation.

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