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What an Effective SEO Strategy Requires

What an Effective SEO Strategy Requires

Launching an SEO campaign, one that delivers results, is a daunting task. Reading countless materials and watching tons of tutorials videos won’t make things easier. Truth is, doing these things can further overwhelm you given the mountain of information out there. With the tremendous amount of things you need to read, it’s easy to get stuck in the learning process and fail to actually do any work.

It also does not help that search engines constantly and rapidly update their algorithms. There is also the fact that even crafting an SEO strategy is already challenging given the myriad ranking factors that come into play in producing search results.

Suffice it to say, launching and implementing an effective SEO strategy is not a work meant for amateurs. It requires the expertise of professional and seasoned SEO specialists. So, if you don’t have the patience to learn in-depth about SEO, it’s best to let experts handle your SEO campaign.

Meanwhile, if you want to do this task on your own, you need to learn to prioritise. SEO is complex; it involves a lot of work, a lot of tasks. Hence, you need to be strategic and determine the areas you need to focus on to get the results you want.

When creating an effective SEO strategy, there are four areas you need to concentrate on: technical SEO, on-site SEO, content and link building.

Difficult is, perhaps, one of the words that come to mind when you hear the term “technical SEO”. But this area isn’t as complicated as you think. In fact, if you have a WordPress website with just a handful of pages, you can accomplish this task easily.

Basically, technical SEO pertains to the optimisation of the website and server. Its purpose is to ensure that your site is crawled and indexed effectively. One of the things you need to check under this area is your sites crawlability. If search engine spiders cannot find your pages, they cannot be indexed which can consequently make it impossible for your site to rank on SERPs.

Site security also falls under this category. For your site to be “technically” perfect, it needs to be on HTTPS. Nowadays, Google penalises non-secure websites or those on HTTP.

Aside from site security, mobile-friendliness and page speed are also under technical SEO. You can’t take these two for granted since a responsive and fast website are essential in attaining a good ranking on SERPs. Page speed, in particular, is now a ranking factor for both desktop and mobile searches.

Having a technically optimised site shouldn’t be difficult if you tapped a web developer who incorporates SEO into the website design and development.

On-site SEO focuses on the HTML source code of the page and the content. For this area, it is not just about optimising for search engines but also for users. Visitors of your page should be able to navigate it with ease and readily find what they are looking for. Think about creating a pleasant UX!

Proper on-site SEO is about ensuring that users and search engines understand a page and recognise that its content is relevant to a search query. This means using keywords naturally within page titles, writing interesting meta descriptions and having calls to action, amongst others.

When crafting an effective SEO strategy, you cannot leave out content. Your site’s content is what converts a visitor into a customer. Hence, you need to carefully craft what you are going to put on your site. It shouldn’t be one of those run-off-the-mill types.

Your content should clearly convey pertinent information about your company, i.e., what you do or offer and where you are located. It should be compelling enough to convince users to choose your company. Talk about what sets you apart from you competitors. It also greatly helps if you have testimonials from previous clients about how great your product or service is. If you own a service business like a residential painting company, posting a portfolio or photos of works you’ve done is also an excellent marketing move.

Ranking high on organic search results cannot happen without link building. This is a major ranking factor and also the most challenging and time-consuming part of SEO. Fortunately, nowadays, there are tools which can make this task less taxing.

One thing you should keep in mind for this aspect is that the goal is not just to link to as many sites. Build high quality links – those that are from relevant sources. To start, you can list your company or brand in free citations like Google My Business, Yelp, Bing and Wikipedia, amongst others. You can also work with sites which already mentioned your company as well as those which you have real-world connections with.

Creating an effective SEO strategy requires expertise! We have experienced SEO specialists who can make your website rank well on SERPs and get more traffic. Call us now at 019609023!

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