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The importance of long term relationships

The importance of long term relationships

If given a chance to make a wish every potential new entrepreneurs would probably ask for the secret to a successful business.

Anyway during the first weeks in 3R Sales & Marketing I have learned that there is no such thing as undisclosed truths that could lead you to increase your sales and profits.

What there really is are the right attitude towards your clients, the proper way to communicate to your customers what benefits you can offer them, the state of mind of somebody who is not just obsessed with the number of sales closed but who also cares about the quality of relationships.

Indeed to rise your revenues, you have to give your customers what they really want, reach a higher degree of efficiency by understanding completely their needs and responding to them appropriately.

The purpose of the two-day sales seminar “Stop Selling!” is exactly that.

Because If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you just keep on getting what you’ve always got.

Change. For the better.

Experience is the best teacher ever, and thanks to 23 years spent with flying colours on the marketing field by Peter Lawless, Founder & Director of 3R Sales & Marketing, our consultancy can provide you the means and knowledge to face successfully the competitive challenge between you and the other companies which offer the same products or services as your firm.

Because we are going to teach you how to do it better than the others, by using in a more effective way tools that already belong to your firm.

Whatever is your sector. No matter how much experience you have accumulated.

Strengthen long term relationships with clients must become a priority for a business which aims to become profitable. 3R Sales & Marketing can help you in carrying out this thorny task. Just through a two day consultative sales training.


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