You’ve probably heard a lot about GDPR by now and you may be wondering whether this affects your online activities and to what extent.

At 3R we would like to help you a little, although we are no lawyers and we don’t take any responsibility for your website or online activities meeting GDPR rules, we want to at least do something to help you on the way.

Before or after May 25th we can install this GDPR plugin to your website: so that apart from the cookie consent, you will now also have an “I agree with” checkbox at every contact form and also a special page where people can request their personal data.

We installed this on our own website so that you can have a look at how it works: We can add a link to this “Request Personal Data” page to your Privacy policy page.

Please note that we are doing this free to all our existing monthly or annual retainer Clients – please contact us for more details: 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023.