Blogging: Find Where Your Potential Clients Are and Give Them Advice

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Blogging: Find Where Your Potential Clients Are and Give Them Advice

A blog is basically a special website which enables you to publish a post (an article) as often as you like, with an option for readers to sign up and comment on the individual posts.

It’s highly interactive, and these days there are lots of free blog software and web space providers, such as WordPress, Blogger etc.

For your companies it is a great way of “showing the friendly face” of their business to people and talking to them in less official way, while offering invaluable content. If done well, customers will read your blog regularly and they will keep coming back to your website. Who knows, they might even contact you one day and become your customers, because you will build relationship with them through your valuable blog posts.

Google and other search engines love blogs because they are updated regularly with fresh content and it is also a great way of building external links to your website. Here is the how-to:

  1. Download WordPress free at and send it to your web designer who will upload it to the server, put a link to it to the website and give you the login details.
  2. Login, pick a template, update your profile and start posting regularly.

Once your blog is up and running, you can post comments to other websites/blogs with your blog profile or with a link to your website. So aim at having your comments with a link to your website displayed on high ranking websites. Of course, don’t forget that, if possible, all links back to your blog should look like this:

<a href=”” title=”Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3”>Keyword1</a>

Another way of promoting your blog is to submit its link to blog directories, which is very similar to normal web directories – and it’s free.

Click here to see a few most important blog directories where you definitely should submit your blog to.

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