Marketing in Ireland: What Do Customers Really Value?

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Marketing in Ireland: What Do Customers Really Value?

It does not have to be specifically Ireland, but whatever country you are marketing your product in, it is vital that you identify your customers’

  • Desires – what do they really want, because a lot of purchases are based on wants not needs – I mean who NEEDS a Porsche?
  • Problems – what pain do they currently have that your offering will ease or cure?

Because when you know these, then you know WHY they will buy, and subsequently, it will be easier to ensure you have more customers. So let’s have a look at what customers’ problems and desires are in general, and then you will define them for each of your own customer groups.

Classify customers’ Desires

In reality, over 90% of purchase decisions are based on people’s desires, not only on “what we need.” I mean, how many of us grew up drinking tap water, yet we all still pay huge sums of money for water in bottles. Yes, we do need liquid to stay alive, but do we really need designer label water?

Classify customers’ Problems

People visit the doctor or dentist either because they have a pain, or to prevent pain. Why would people talk to your company – which problems would make them call you?

But this is just the beginning of the exciting marketing strategy creation. Next you need to look at the product you market and whether it really responds to the problems and desires of your customers.

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