Feb 2008 – Howth Yacht Club Moves into 21st Century

Howth Yacht Club (HYC), Ireland’s largest yacht club, embraced modern technology to boost members’ satisfaction. Learn how they succeeded, with help of 3R Sales and Marketing.

Nov 2006 – Taking their own medicine – Indigeneous Business Specialists create Must-Visit website

A website must grab your prospects attention and compell them to take action that will profit your business. Does your website fulfill its role as your silent sales channel, active 24/7?

July 2006: Does SEO Marketing Really Boost Sales?

Breaking the mystique behind what the SEO specialists really do, by using a simple case study, from a business development company based in Ireland. They wanted to let their prospects know they were the best sales and marketing company in Ireland – so they got to number 1 in Google, for over 34,000,000 listings. This tells how they did it, in 7 simple steps.